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English Camping Car Forum


F.d. 16636

Thanks for the tip on the LPG, I hadn't thought about the inspection...

When I go to pick up the MH in march, I'll go through the system with the dealer so I can learn what does what..:p

Right now I'm sniffing around for insurance ( who has the better price) and thats a real jungle.

Regards: Russ and Gun

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Russ & Gun,

Insurance, yeah that's a jungle on his own. If you belong to any of these clubs AAA, MRF, KAK or others it might be worth looking into since they offer huge discounts for non drinking drivers if such is applicable.

F.d. 16636

Ok what should one expect to pay ( average) for full coverage? I realize this has many different applications, but lets say what the average middle aged Swedish driver would pay per year. + -

As it would be nice to have a working sum to go by when speaking to an agent.

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Russ & Gun,

Sorry but I can't help you on that one, I guess one living in Sweden with a mobilhome would be a better person with this sort of information.

I left Sweden 1962, took my degree in the US and moved around worldwide. For the moment we live in Belgium, only God knows how long we are going to stay here ;)
Senast redigerad av en moderator:

F.d. 16636

You sound like me, been all over the world several times, ended up here as my wife of 35 years is Swedish. My future plan is Spain... but I have several years left to retirement...or leave now, and work in Spain. Either way I'm finding a warmer climate to settle in.

After 56 years on this rock, I still find it difficult to stay in one place for vary long. But I don't think I'm all that different, a lot of people just love to move around....maybe we're born with it.

I'll sort out this insurance thing.

Best Regards: Russ and Gun

F.d. 52943

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hello Rustygun,
the cost varies with the object, your age, the place you live etc - not possible to guess...
An example - we insured a motorhome worth 400.000SEK 2:nd hand import from Germany - living in a suburb near Gothenburg - age 60 - ensurance record for the family car excellent - 30 years without damage. Cost 4000/yr full coverage.

F.d. 16636

Thanks so much! That give me something to go by... I phone around on Monday.

Regards. Russ and Gun

F.d. 16636

Re: Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Belgien! I ordered two 11kg aluminum bottles from ALUGAS in Germany, included was the refill kit with hose extension and two adapters for France and Spain, this gives me about 55 liters capacity, plus I have my Swedish tank of 11kg in reserve. It cost about 200 per tank plus shipping to Sweden ( 30 Eu)

Whats nice is they weigh about 6kg empty...and no rust.

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Rusty,

Great !!! That's the way to go no more thinking where you can fill; what nipples (refilling kit) you need or others that gives one a headache when moving between countries. Pricewise, all over the continent standard bottles (the red ones) cost around € 250, € 200 for a lightweight Alugas seems very cheap, it makes me wonder.


HBK Hedersmedlem
Admin medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Well, you are more than welcome and I really hope you and your family will have a pleasent time together with us here at Husbilsklubben.se and you will join us at some rally under Träffar.

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Regarding the power supply (genset) I think the one you mentioned is quite spicy price wise, another disadvantage is the difficulty in finding the required at least on the continent. I think I'll stick to my Honda i10 ;)

F.d. 16636

Re: Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Regarding the power supply (genset) I think the one you mentioned is quite spicy price wise, another disadvantage is the difficulty in finding the required at least on the continent. I think I'll stick to my Honda i10 ;)

Have to agree as well..."spicy".... I have found a Kipor 1000 watt Gen for keeping things topped off. Its quiet and vary economical to run. I can't think I'll need more power than that, even the Air Con could run on it, so I think I'll go with the generator as opposed to a 5000 dollar fuelcell...:p

I'm planing to take a trip to the south of France in April for month( if I can get away from work...) so this will be the acid test as to what I'll need in future, I plan to wild camp as much as possible to see just how independent I can be from external power sources.

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Don't forget to slow down when passing Gent (Belgium) at least we can meet and get acquainted it would be very much appreciated ;)

F.d. 16636

Re: Sv: Re: Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Don't forget to slow down when passing Gent (Belgium) at least we can meet and get acquainted it would be very much appreciated ;)

Yes!! it would be nice to meet. I hope to get away by April, so we'll stay in touch.

Life's short, and one should get everything you can from it.:)

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Belgien! I ordered two 11kg aluminum bottles from ALUGAS in Germany, included was the refill kit with hose extension and two adapters for France and Spain, this gives me about 55 liters capacity, plus I have my Swedish tank of 11kg in reserve. It cost about 200 per tank plus shipping to Sweden ( 30 Eu)

Whats nice is they weigh about 6kg empty...and no rust.

Hi Rusty,

Are you sure you bought the refillable bottles ? Upon my request this is the reply I got :


Thank you for your message and your interest in our products, the best gas
cylinders available today. From somewhere you heard about our newest product, the gas cylinder, refillable at autogas stations. We enclose some information in German
language and hope you can read it. The basic problem of this product is that
it does not fit into the existent legislation. This does not allow gas
cylinders to be filled at gas stations, which principally is fine. However,
our product is equipped with a fillstop valve that overcomes the problems
that normal gas cylinders have. These legislation problems are the reason
for us not to promote our new product until we hopefully soon get a solution
for that.

Nevertheless, you heard about the product and shall know the actual problems
with it. In case you are afraid of doing the 'illegal act' of going to a gas
station for filling the cylinder that is designed for that, you should leave
the hands off this product!!


Just for the record.

Best regards

F.d. 16636

its the same company ( ALUGAS) you listed as a link in another thread about LPG. Open both product links and click on the 11KG tanks and you see they are the same.

Aluminium LPG-flessen


I was a little put off by their original legal statement, but his private letter to me confirmed they can be refilled... ( thus the filler kit with Euro adapters) and the fact that they sell the same tank in your country, ( above link) I would guess its OK.

The reason is they ( AULGAS) are still waiting for their EU certification, so they can't advertise their product as such, and they have to make that statement to prospective buyers.

I laughed when he said to "read between the lines" anyway he assured me they can be filled at any station in Europe with the proper adapter.

I'll keep you posted when they arrive. ( next week)

My best: Russell
Senast redigerad av en moderator:

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Regarding the European adaptors there are 3 different connectors which will bring you all around Europe without any hassles. Lots of people don't bother buying these adaptors, thinking they could borrow one at the filling stations. To my surprise in Italy I had to pay a deposit of € 20. As a matter of interest, a complete set adaptors cost in Belgium € 33 ;).

Looking forward hearing from you when the bottles arrive, hopefully the EU certificates are included.

F.d. 16636

I guess its always something of a risk to buy over the Net, my research into ALUGAS showed 3 different distributors in three different countries, so I would assume refilling is possible. I ordered 3 different adapters as well as the filling kit, so will see what shows up this week with the delivery truck.

The situation with the 11KG bottles and certification seems to vary from country to country, and I have no idea how much of a problem this will be when I stop somewhere in Europe to try and fill a tank. He ( Gerd) from ALUGAS assured me there would be no problems, but you have to take any statement with a grain of salt when its comes from a company sales rep.

F.d. 9916

hello every one

Can you help? We are coming over to Sweden this June to tour up to the Artic Circle. Do you have any useful hints about places to stay??
Many thanks