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English Camping Car Forum


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

You mean: Document read but not understood!

Yes, our municipal servants have surely some difficulties to understand the info we send them about the difference in needs between a caravan and a MH.

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


The purpose of the English Camping forum is given foreigners the opportunity exchanging info that might be useful to both parties. Main language is English, understanding Swedish therefore is a minor thing, after all it is called English Camping Forum and since we do not deal in technical terms Swedish becomes irrelevant.

Michael Johansson

HBK Webb
Admin medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Yes, well my contribution was mainly ment as a joke about Kjells remark about everybody reading swedish. Parhaps not all that funny I admit.


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

I was thinking about our English only speaking members, a little help with the info in our free spots/stellplatz list sometimes is needed...
A small list here covering the most used Swedish word and abbrevations used in the list - and a translation of them - is an altenative but for the time beeing the translation site mentioned have to do.

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


I like to be the first sharing a place that lies very close to me and won't be passed without crashing at least one night (preference would be two).

What's so special about this place, well as a matter a fact happy you asked .. there is NOTHING but crystal clear fishing water, a bridge that leads to a power plant, that's it. But what it offers is total tranquility, heaps of fish (you park your vehicle max 1 meter from the edge of the adjacent lake) one you should experience in Finnish Lappi. There is a very good chance you'll find me there Spring - Summer 2008. Enjoy the following GPS co-ordinates: 67.69761° N 26.79653° E

Stupid of me.. almost forgot the name of the village it's called Petkulati approximately 30 km North of Sodankylä turn right 5km off the main road number 4.


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Nice of you Belgien 1, thank you for sharing!

The best you can do is to use the button "Ny Plats" to the right middle on the start page for HBK, just punch in all the info and numbers you have and the spot will eventually - like a miracle - end up at the right place in our list for Husbilsplatser, in this case Finland!

Preferably the GPS coordinates should be written in the format DD MM SS.s to conform with our standard but any format is better than none if you understand me right...

Have by the way found some similar spots up in Swedish Lapland but have to do some research to find them again.
Some places are perfect for days and days of slow and quiet recovering but if you are driven by the question "what'ts behind the next road bend?" then you maybe will look for other types of parking spots.

Edit: Have registered your spot under 'Europa' and 'Finland', do you have a picture of this spot, Belgien 1?

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Thanks, regarding the GPS format, I'll try to remeber it. Unfortunately pictures of the site are of none existens.

Last year I saw a Swiss couple with a huge camper (Concorde type) and wonder how on earth they found this amazing spot since there are no signs and situated nearly 5 km off the main road E75. Sometimes I wonder !!!

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Dave,

Welcome to our English corner of Motorhomes, hope we can exchange some valuable information on different subjects after all we all love our Motorhomes :yes: .
Merry X-Mas & a Very Happy New Year from all of us :holly-3-icon:

F.d. 16636

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hello, really glad to see an English side to your forum, I have been following your site for some time, but the technological terms cause me a some problems with my bad Swedish,,lol

I live in Sweden, but I'm from the States, so thus the language problem...(its tough to learn something new when you're over 50...)

Anyway I have just ordered my first husbil, and I will be using this site a lot, as I have never owned one before, so please be bare with me with dumb stuff.

Thanks for the effort with English!!

F.d. 16636

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

So first question, can I buy refillable LPG tanks in Sweden, or is it only in Europe? I would like to have a fixed tank.

Regards: Rustygun

Michael Johansson

HBK Webb
Admin medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Rustygun, wellcome to our comunity. I hope you will find yourselfe at home here.

Regarding fillable gas bottles I don´t think you can find them here in Sweden (yet). Håkan Lans and Belgian 1 are probably the ones that knows his best.

F.d. 16636

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Thanks! Great site you have here.

I have been reading "Motorhome facts" in the UK, but I needed something relative to the home front. ( Sweden)

F.d. 16636

Anyone using LED light conversion? they draw about 01 AMP each, and give the same effect as the original. And does Sweden have these on the market?

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Hi there, sorry for the delay been sort of absent for a couple of days. First of all welcome to the English part of this wonderful forum something you will not regret being a member.

Regarding the fill able LPG bottles. I am sure they are available the question is where to get them. I drive around with 2 bottles LPG and one LPG tank capacity 60 litres bought in Belgium. Prices vary in different countries, do a scan on the net and see what's the most favourable for you at near distance unless you are travelling to the continent I suggest you buy portable bottles (a 60 litres tank equals 2 portables bottles); I am sure price wise they will be cheaper.
Senast redigerad av en moderator:

F.d. 16636

Hi Belgien 1

Thanks for the welcome and the advice! I'll be doing France this season ( Frejus) and the "The Cote" so I'll look into the tanks on the way down.

Have another question(S) ( probably one of hundreds...LOL) I assume most of the new MHs have both ( bil/bodel) batteries being loaded by the engine at the same time, or do you have to switch the loading from one to the other.

And I have ordered the roof mounted Oyster Sat digital (85cm) and my question is if this system switches automatically from 12v to 230v when you hook up to standard camping connections ( French 3 amp)

Sorry for all the questions....( another irritating newbee...;)

Best Regards: Russ and Gun

F.d. 839

Sv: Re: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Russ & Gun,

Regarding the batteries : some of the mobilhomes I had charged first the engine battery, when, when fully loaded the batterycharger automatically started charging the compartment batteries. On another mobilhome I had the charger only charged the compartment so as you can see it all depends on the fascilities the manufacturor has installed.

Regarding the Oyster : I am not sure at all if the unit switches from 12VDC to 220VAC. Is there nothing written in the documentary ? If not maybe it's a good idea asking the vendor.

Regarding LPG tanks : bear in mind that the car must be inspected by the Swedish authority (Bil besiktningen) therefor I suggested to install 2 removable LPG bottles so they don't have to know a thing. If on the other hand you install a permanent LPG tank the Swedish car inspection may ask for tank pressure test certificate or others so there might be a slight problem and need to be Swedish tested which means money and once again money :mad: