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English Camping Car Forum


F.d. 838

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

I've been motorhoming in Scandinavia for about 10 yrs. Got stitched by the midges and got the Scandinavia-fever. So I'll coming back next year. I love the people, the nature, the scenery, the freedom, the security...
As Flemish I can read (most) Swedish, understand a little.
When I try to speak it, people allways switch to English. So I'll never get up ! :mad:
This English Forum is really an answer for us. :yes:
Keep on the good work;)

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Belgian,

Welcome to this website, the website with "the" most info on Scandinavia. As I can see you live in Hoboken which is very near to Gent were I reside since a few years.

Swedish people altering over to English when talking to them is very common cause at the same time they want to practice their English. Out of experience the knowledge of people in an older generation do not speak very well English and it's exactly that group of people we are dealing with the most.

As you wrote yourself "This English Forum is really .." so once again welcome.


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Welcome to our site Belgian!

Nice to see yet another experienced traveller here, have read some of your informative posts at http://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums and you sure are welcome to write here also!

If you are in acute (or maybe not so acute!) information needs about motor homing in Sweden we are glad to be of assistance, just ask away…

We have a very large and informative list of Swedish aires/stellplätze and if you would like to have full access to the list – with GPS coordinates and many pictures – you have to be a member.
200 SEK for the entry membership and only 100 SEK for the annual renewal. You can find IBAN and BIC numbers at the top part of http://www.husbilsklubben.se/forums/

You are most welcome Belgian and if you are up north in Sweden we maybe can meet!

F.d. 15697

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi just joined with the help of some online translation software:twitcy: If you want more English on here you need to give us some translations on the sign up pages, because I am afraid we are all pretty lazy.

I live in Ipswich with the wife, eldest daughter is married and the youngest is at university in Lisbon Portugal. We have a winnebago which we try to get out in as much as possible. Had 5 weeks in Portugal this year, sun shone nearly all the time.

I hope one day to be touring sweden/norway but it won't be for a few years yet, got to retire first. One of the members (sallytrafic) of motorhomefacts.com is coming your way in 08


F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Welcome to the Swedish Mobilhome Society wishing you and your family a safe journey wherever you go. As you mention one day you'll be visiting the Scandinavian countries which is money well spend.

F.d. 838

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hey ,I had a discussion on an other forum Wild Camping for Motorhomes European about sharing info about public spots in Sweden. I leaves me a little confused :( What's your idea ??:confused:


HBK Hedersmedlem
Admin medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Well, I do not understand what your problem is.
Please enlighten me....

F.d. 838

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hey Ha°ken,
The discussion was about free sharing info about overnight stop-overs. I'm planning to make a trip in the UK with my MH. As you know England is not so MH-friendly. So I made myself member of Wild Camping for Motorhomes - Powered by vBulletin . A swell forum, giving lots of info; wich is very helpfull. In return I gave info about Belgium and the Netherlands. As I'm MH-ing in Scandinavia for a decade l'd share that info too. I made myself member of this forum in the hope to find as much info I found over there. This english-speaking panel is an outcome for us foreigners (as flemish I'm able to read Swedish and understand most of it-sometimes). To my astonishment I have to make myself member for 200 SEK, to get info over public places for overnighting (I know everything about allemansrätt and so on). This bothers me. It seems to me Swedish are keeping their spots as a hidden threasure for themselves. Note: I'll never say Swedish are selfish, far from. I'm a free-MH-er and I will not make myself member of a club whatsoever (you may call me asocial for that, I don't care:twitcy: ). I can understand Swedes are afraid of sharing info, you never know what mishappens if this becomes public domain. But it could be a great help for us foreigners to visit your beautifull country if we knew spots off the beaten roads for overnighting.
You could solve my dilemma about free sharing. When a foreign member of this forum is asking for info you could send it to his personal @. :confused:
Worth trying ?
Var so god Ha°kan

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


No one forces anyone to become a full member and pay up front SEK 200. Nowadays servers, software upgrades, organizing meeting with rental of local ground on campings just to mention a few cost a great deal of money. I really don't think that SEK 200 (member registration + member fee for the first year) will make the world of a difference to the amount of information put to your disposal. The more members joining in we stand a bigger chance getting discounts - services with suppliers, joining in with other car organizations and make our voices heard after all we are getting stronger and stronger and this is due to members willing to become active.

Member cards are being issued, for the time being these do not fulfill a function since the forum has only been active for just under one year but I am convinced the board of "Husbilsklubben" are doing everything in their power to see their members getting value for the SEK 100.

I would like to enlighten you on a anecdote happening to me the other day. After 5 contributions on an English forum I was being asked to pay 20 UK Pound if I would like to continue to be a member otherwise I would be put on a black list. I was not given an alternative it was paying or being banned. This policy is not implemented by "Husbilsklubben" anyone is free to join in an make contributions without being forced paying a member fee.

My personal opinion is contributions still can be made by anyone free of charge but feel at the same time that paying members should have the privilege to something extra thereof the topics "only for members".

If you really think that SEK 200 (€ 22) is too much please feel free to stay with us as a non active member (what we call a member with interest), you will always be appreciated. On the other hand (I am not writing this in the name of the board since I am an ousider) we would love you to join in and welcome you as a full member ;).

Belgian, wherever you are or whatever you might do have a nice weekend !!!


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Good argumentation Belgien1!
And I am also banned from an english forum on the same grounds as you are!
So Husbilsklubben is above the crowd when posting is allowed without paying anything!

Later, pal...
Senast ändrad:

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Just for the record it was me "Belgien 1" who wrote the contribution, the argueing counter party was the "Belgian".

Kjell, maybe I should change my nickname this makes it all very confusing.


HBK Medlem
Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Deeply sorry Belgien 1, will edit my post!

Please, keep your nick, I have to sharpen up!


F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


There is no need for apologies, mistakes are made by anyone but I still set the blame on your typing error due to the resemblance of both names. Keep it up Kjell ;)

F.d. 15697

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi as has been pointed out some English forums are charged for, either because the are part of a guide, or because of content. I list a few below:

motorhomefacts.com 10 free posts then £10 per year (possibly the biggest in the uk)
motorhomefun.co.uk free
motorhometoday.co.uk free
the-big-pitch-guide.com £40 for 2 years (a pitch guide specifically for american motorhomes)
abpleisure.co.uk £36 per year (specifically for american motorhomes, monthly magazine)
irv2.com free (very large american based site)
myfavouritecampsite.com free (mainly for caravans)
ukcampsite.co.uk free (one of the oldest)
sbmcc.co.uk free (for self builders)
outandaboutlive.co.uk free (part of the motorhome monthly magazine)

I belong and post to all of the above sites. To some people not paying is a matter of principle, and thats fine, but the infomation on some sites, or the guides make it well worth while. For instance motorhomefacts has all the contributor campsites (over 2000) linked into google maps, so you can see what sites are near any point you wish to go. This alone makes it worth £10 per year to me.


F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Olley,

Thanks for your info regarding the English motorhomes sites, high value much appreciated.

As I mentioned in an earlier writing, yes I was asked to pay a certain amount (can't recall the exact amount), it wasn't much, I was willing to pay no doubt in my mind cause I could see the potential in the site giving me heaps on information. I send the moderator - responsable person an email and requested the amount to be paid in € and where to send it to. Guess what, I never got a reply so here I am with 5 contributions made (which is the maximum) thus locked out and no place to go :mad:. Now time has passed by and can't even recall the site I was on.

Off the record, since I am a bilingual person I am also a member in other forums such as Dutch - French - Flemish just to mention a few and they are all free of charge since the operators of these forums live partly of the commercial section on their sites such as sales new mobilhomes, sales second hand, rental, publicity of garages whom deal with maintenance, installers of hardware, heating, AC and so on.

F.d. 15697

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened

Hi Belgium1 that sounds like www.motohomefacts.com I said ten posts but it could be only five. I don't know if the owner "Nuke" has any way of accepting euro's unless you use paypal or a credit card, and I think the only why to join is directly from the site, not via email.

It used to be free up to two years ago when he decided to make a living from it, and other sites he has, this caused a bit of trouble at the time and some good contributors left.
I felt that as he had put a lot of time into recoding large parts of the site he deserved my tenner, others felt that it was wrong that he was making money out of information given freely by posters.

As you say you can make money out of advertising, however this has the possibility of those advertisers leaning on you if they get a bad press on the site, as happens from time to time with the outandabout site I listed above, mention problems with Brownhills, one of the biggest motorhome dealers in the UK and your post will rapidly be deleted by the mods. because of their large advertising spend with the site owners magazine MMM


F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


Your answer is actually an answer to a private matter I had so a bit off topic. I am not even interested any longer in joining the by you mentioned forum I prefer to keep my dignity ;).

Bottom line, just like to add the following. If a vendor has done something extraordinary we should all be informed through the media but ALSO when the same vendor screws up the world should know about it ... but of course mention that as a contribution in one of the BIG forums and one might end up with a lawsuit on his / her hands. Really a sad story, the media is weird and unacceptable :mad:
Senast redigerad av en moderator:

F.d. 839

Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened


A HKB member on a foreign camper forum found the following:

Quote "As the Swedish are reluctant to give away free their spots, I'll try to give you mine (if this works). I had to leave out photo's and symbols; Copy and paste fellows. This is only Ska°ne, most southern part. Plenty more will come soon "

As a member of this forum I think it was inappropriate writing something in a foreign forum using the word "reluctant sharing info". People reading your contributions do not have the slightest idea what rules are implemented in the Swedish Camper forum HBK therefore giving a wrong interpretation on how this forum handles non-members better know as "Persons with interest" as yourself.

The policy of the HBK forum is that ONLY members are given the privilege of accessing certain information such as the one you have been rejected to. The info shared and non-shared is decided by the board members and as a "standard" members as myself we do not have any rights to questions their judgment.

If you feel like you have been discriminated I suggest you take the matter up with persons belonging to the board but please do NOT write the Swedish forum is "reluctant sharing info" in a foreign forum that doesn't even know / understand the rules of this forum.