Sv: English Camping Car Forum Opened
No one forces anyone to become a full member and pay up front SEK 200. Nowadays servers, software upgrades, organizing meeting with rental of local ground on campings just to mention a few cost a great deal of money. I really don't think that SEK 200 (member registration + member fee for the first year) will make the world of a difference to the amount of information put to your disposal. The more members joining in we stand a bigger chance getting discounts - services with suppliers, joining in with other car organizations and make our voices heard after all we are getting stronger and stronger and this is due to members willing to become active.
Member cards are being issued, for the time being these do not fulfill a function since the forum has only been active for just under one year but I am convinced the board of "Husbilsklubben" are doing everything in their power to see their members getting value for the SEK 100.
I would like to enlighten you on a anecdote happening to me the other day. After 5 contributions on an English forum I was being asked to pay 20 UK Pound if I would like to continue to be a member otherwise I would be put on a black list. I was not given an alternative it was paying or being banned. This policy is not implemented by "Husbilsklubben" anyone is free to join in an make contributions without being forced paying a member fee.
My personal opinion is contributions still can be made by anyone free of charge but feel at the same time that paying members should have the privilege to something extra thereof the topics "only for members".
If you really think that SEK 200 (€ 22) is too much please feel free to stay with us as a non active member (what we call a member with interest), you will always be appreciated. On the other hand (I am not writing this in the name of the board since I am an ousider) we would love you to join in and welcome you as a full member

Belgian, wherever you are or whatever you might do have a nice weekend !!!