Om du läser under punkt ett ....... så har du svaret på varför du inte behöver tempsensorn från Votronic regulatorn....
Visa bilaga 205599
Riktigt så enkelt är det nog inte.
Dc/Dc-laddaren kräver tempsensor om lithiumladdningen skall fungera. Här ingår tempsensor i std leveransen av laddaren.
För solcellsregulatorn är det nog lite mer oklart. Där står det så här
”LiFePO4 Batteries:
Installation: The thermal contact of sensor and inside temperature of the battery should be well. Thus, it should be
screwed down to the negative pole of the battery, because in case of LiFePO4 batteries, in most of the cases, this is the cooler side (the positive pole is often falsified with the exhaust heat of internal fuses, electronic systems for cell equalization etc.)
Effect: In case of abnormal battery temperatures, such as <-20 °C, >50 °C, the charging voltage will be reduced strongly to safety charging voltage, approx. 12.80 V, for battery protection, and the maximum charging current rate will be halved. Safety mode, LED "MPP" is flashing ("Charge" at MPP 165). Any charging data being recorded hitherto will be kept in memory.
Battery charging is then interrupted, but the supply of consumers being possibly connected will be continued by the solar controller until the battery temperature is in the admissible range. After that, automatic charging will be resumed.
Below 0 °C, the charging current will be reduced very strongly for battery protection, and longer charging times can be expected.
The solar controller recognizes automatically a missing sensor, cable break or short-circuit of the sensor lines, as well as unreasonable measuring values. In that case, it will switch automatically to the usual charging voltage rates of 20 °C / 25 °C being recommended by the battery manufacturers.”
Tolka det den som kan! Verkar ju ändå som att den fungerar utan tempsensor som inte ingår i std leveransen av regulatorn.