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Mer information finns här: Hur Registrerar jag mig.
Du slipper också en massa störande reklam eftersom vi är en HELT reklamfri sida.
Luxemburg är ett bra alternativ när Tyskland stänger mot Frankrike.
”Vid gränsen till Österrike, Schweiz, Danmark, Frankrike och Luxemburg inför vi gränskontroller från och med måndag klockan 8 på morgonen. Läget är allvarligt och vi måste agera”, säger han.
Det är väl 14dagars isolering som gäller vid hemkomst till sverige.
Vet du eller gissar du? Jag har följt vad myndigheterna sagt väldigt noga & har definitivt inte hört något om isolering för dom som varit utrikes.
Den nya krisstaben i Spanien som består av 4 ministrar hade sin första presskonferens under söndagskvällen.
Det som kom fram och är av intresse för oss husbilsåkare på väg hem är att beslut om eventuell stängning av spanska gränserna kommer att fattas under måndagen. Något som rimligen bara gäller eventuell stängning för utländska besökare att komma in och inte att lämna landet.
Tvärtom, när det gäller utlänningar som befinner sig i Spanien och som önskar återvända hem poängterade Ábalos att de inte bara kan göra detta, utan att myndigheterna redan arbetar aktivt med att underlätta möjligheterna att lämna Spanien.
Allt enligt Sydkusten.
Det var information som vi gillade, samtidigt som vi på spansk TV just nu ser på lämpliga kroppsövningar som med fördel kan utövas i karantän.
Har ni kommit in i Danmark? Undrar, då vi är på väg till Flensburg nu.Tur att vi kommit så långt vi har. Står nu i Flensburg och enda problemet är väl att alla ställplatser efter vägen kommer att vara fulla... I Greven var det överfullt inatt.
The health authority (DGS), Ministry of Health, Prime Minister and President all spoke last night.
Finally, I would like you to ask you a big favour: please tell your friends and family abroad considering coming to Portugal during the next month not to do it. The uncertainty is so strong that the risk of getting stuck (and sick) here is very high. Infections in the Algarve have reached tourists too.
- Ministries of Health and of Home Affairs from EU member states will meet today in Brussels to try and agree on an integrated border policy, I believe outside and within the EU.
- Prime Ministers of Spain and Portugal discussed yesterday and it looks very likely that the border will be shut (air, water and road) very shortly - except for transporting goods. This would remain until the end of the Easter break (rather than just 14 days) since we always receive so many Spanish tourists.
- This weekend a cruise disembarked in Spain and tourists came to Portugal by road. This will not happen again.
- We started by asking people to avoid social contact. Most people behaved accordingly but a lot of reports showed people in gatherings at night. Clubs are closed and this has now been extended to bars being shut from 9pm each day. Drinking alcohol on the streets is no longer allowed. Access to some beaches has been closed.
- Schools will be closed as of today, so there is more tension for parents who can't work from home. They have been asked not to rely on grandparents to stay with children since older people are a vulnerable group. So there is a lot of attention on these families who will need assistance.
- The President has asked for a meeting with the Council of State on Wednesday to assess whether declaring the state of emergency is needed. This would basically mean even stricter measures as they are happening in Spain and Italy.
- Although we have extremely good health professionals at a technical level, our health system is very fragile due to the crisis of the fast few years. We also have one of the most ageing populations in Europe.
- That's why it's SO IMPORTANT to act early in comparison to Italy and Spain (who had many more cases before starting these measures) and keep hospitals for those who really need it. Most infected people will have mild symptoms and can be treated at home, so please assume you will not need a hospital in the next few weeks.
- Like in many other countries, the most important is to flatten the curve, i.e. to delay the increase of infected patients rather than having too many in a short period of time. Only this way the health system can cope.
- Restaurants have been asked to use only 1/3 capacity to ensure distance from customers. But many are choosing to simply shut. Those who remain open do it because they're afraid of losing money, despite the government announcements to provide specific financial support. Before entering a restaurant remember you may not be helping to flatten the curve. You could be carrying the virus without knowing it and a one-time cough could leave it on the table.
- Yesterday we had 245 cases (mostly in Lisbon), 18 in intensive care and 8 in a critical state. The numbers seem to be doubling each day (updates are released around noon every day by DGS) and the Health Minister said we should expect them to rise until at least the end of April.
- It's important that the system tracks those who are possibly infected, so please don't give up on calling the SNS24 phone line (808 24 24 24 - I believe it doesn't work from a foreign phone number) if you suspect having an infection. The line has been upgraded this weekend. Going to the hospital just to see if you're infected will be very harmful to patients who are there. This applies to the private sector, too.
- Doctors who were not actively working or are retired have been asked to help. At least 1000 signed up and currently the paperwork is in place to bring them to the frontline or the SNS24 line.
I'm a health communications professional and have been consulting official sources and many health professionals from here and abroad. I hope to be able to share more updates soon.
In the meantime, even if you are healthy and not afraid of what the virus can do to you, please, please, PLEASE help to keep older and sick people safe, as well as all the doctors, nurses and other health professionals who are already struggling to cope. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to Stay. At. Home.
Åkte via Kruså, väg 200 från Flensburg. Bara 2 bilar före oss och bortåt 10 personal vid kl 9.45. Fick visa pass.Har ni kommit in i Danmark? Undrar, då vi är på väg till Flensburg nu.