Sv: CampingCard ACSI
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Gå in på kontaktinformation för ACSI på ACSI Webshop
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Ansluta med följande text i rutan med rubriken Kommentar:
Hallo! Would You please send the ACSI-card to the delivery address for Jan Piening! He is seventy years old and he would like very much to get it before he is dead!
Kind regards
An unknown friend of his
Heja på Jappe och håll ut ett tag till!Nu har jag skickat mail till ACSI 6 gånger angående mitt "försvunna" kort.
Dagens mail:
Hallo! Would You please send my ACSI-card to the delivery address below! I am seventy years old and I would like very much to get it before I am dead!
Kind regards
Jan Piening
Nu uppmanar jag alla att göra som jag.
Gå in på kontaktinformation för ACSI på ACSI Webshop
Skriv in vad som helst i de obligatoriska fälten.
Ansluta med följande text i rutan med rubriken Kommentar:
Hallo! Would You please send the ACSI-card to the delivery address for Jan Piening! He is seventy years old and he would like very much to get it before he is dead!
Kind regards
An unknown friend of his