Sv: Appar till iPhone/iPad
Global Navigator -GPS Navigation All Over The World
7 kr för att få Google Map Navigering över hela världen idag! Sista dagen! Priset kommer att öka till 9.99USD morgon! Var snabb! Ingen månadsavgift! Ingen årsavgift! Gratis uppdatering och lifetimeanvändning för endast 7 kr! Finns här.
Track Recording
Location Sending
Note:you can set the start and end point by press the target point on map and hold for 1 second,a popup menu will appear.
Global Navigator -GPS Navigation All Over The World
7 kr för att få Google Map Navigering över hela världen idag! Sista dagen! Priset kommer att öka till 9.99USD morgon! Var snabb! Ingen månadsavgift! Ingen årsavgift! Gratis uppdatering och lifetimeanvändning för endast 7 kr! Finns här.
- Automatically recaculating route when missing a turn
- Avoid highways and avoid tolls
- Walking and Bus mode
- Always showing the map view of current location to next turn
- Show the total view of the route by just a single click.
- Change map view in map mode and satellite image mode.
- Search location or businesses in navigation
- Change destination point or start point in navigation.
- And by just an single click you can return the GPS location in navigation.
- Emulate navigation.
- Google Map cover 193 countries all over the world.
- All the map is constructed to best looking and up-to-date.
- Google always update the map and satellite image frequently.
- You can using the app for GPS navigation all over the world!
Track Recording
- Automatically record the track in Google Earth KML format when have GPS signal.
- Save your track automatically when app exit and resume recording when restart.You can using this app to record a long journey from few minutes to few months.
- Always show speed,elapse time,total distance,GPS signal precision on will rotate according heading
- Send the kml tracks via email and open the track using Google Earth in computer.Load multiple tracks in Google Map
- Support multiple track line loading
- Search the up-to-date location and business via network
- The searched result contains phone number address website act.
- Local business locations and contact information appear all in one place, integrated on your map.
- Pick favorite point in favorites folder.
- The powerful favorites folder can pick some favorite locations to appear all in map than can convenient in analytics
Location Sending
- Send the GPS position or the Selected position by SMS ,MMS and email.
- When sending position using SMS.Global navigation will Automatically created a message that notify the
- receiver go the to input a lat,lng string to check the position.
- When sending piston using MMS or email. Global navigation will created a position link of
- as the content to for sending.
Note:you can set the start and end point by press the target point on map and hold for 1 second,a popup menu will appear.