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Är i Spanien och ser att det finns gaseleo b. Kan man tanka det i husbilen?

Olof G

HBK Medlem
Lantbruksdiesel / brännolja skiljer sig endast från "vanlig" (EN590) diesel genom färgen och olika skattesatser.

En modern traktormotor behöver samma bränsle som vilken husbil som helst.
Lite mer skillnad är det

Diesel A is of higher quality, because it is more refined and is found in gas stations to be used for automotive vehicles. Its special additives allow it to be used in vehicles, in addition to benefiting the engine and its performance. In addition, they prevent the solidification of the paraffin at low temperatures. Among the benefits, they reduce the consumption and emissions of pollutants (due to their lower sulfur content), in addition to protecting the life of the engine. Likewise, within diesel A there are two types: diesel A and diesel A+ (diesel plus). The difference between them is in the additives they use. Regularly, a special additive is usually added to Premium diesel or A+ diesel.

Diesel B does not contain additives the same as those used in diesel A, but it contains an additive that is specific to be used in industrial or agricultural engines. It is less filtered and contains more paraffin than diesel A. However, it protects the engine from corrosion and stabilizes oxidation, preventing an obstruction of the filters that affect the injection system. The supply of diesel B improves the performance of the boilers and reduces costs in cleaning filters and burners. In addition, its combustion point is 55 °C. This makes them start more easily. It does not contain sulfur and therefore is good for the environment, has greater purity and performance. Because it is a subsidized diesel, in order to use it, it is necessary to have a specific card or special checks that are managed at the bank. That's why in Baymar you always find cheap diesel nearby, as you will see below.

As you can see, the differences between diesel A and B are very clear but not everyone usually knows them.


HBK Medlem
Lite mer skillnad är det

Diesel A is of higher quality, because it is more refined and is found in gas stations to be used for automotive vehicles. Its special additives allow it to be used in vehicles, in addition to benefiting the engine and its performance. In addition, they prevent the solidification of the paraffin at low temperatures. Among the benefits, they reduce the consumption and emissions of pollutants (due to their lower sulfur content), in addition to protecting the life of the engine. Likewise, within diesel A there are two types: diesel A and diesel A+ (diesel plus). The difference between them is in the additives they use. Regularly, a special additive is usually added to Premium diesel or A+ diesel.

Diesel B does not contain additives the same as those used in diesel A, but it contains an additive that is specific to be used in industrial or agricultural engines. It is less filtered and contains more paraffin than diesel A. However, it protects the engine from corrosion and stabilizes oxidation, preventing an obstruction of the filters that affect the injection system. The supply of diesel B improves the performance of the boilers and reduces costs in cleaning filters and burners. In addition, its combustion point is 55 °C. This makes them start more easily. It does not contain sulfur and therefore is good for the environment, has greater purity and performance. Because it is a subsidized diesel, in order to use it, it is necessary to have a specific card or special checks that are managed at the bank. That's why in Baymar you always find cheap diesel nearby, as you will see below.

As you can see, the differences between diesel A and B are very clear but not everyone usually knows them.
Jag har nog uppfattningen att Michael S har väldigt bra koll på bränslen till dieselmotorer?!