F.d. 16636
Every time a society gives up a part of its privacy to a governmental agency, its one step closer to allowing a dictatorship rather than a true voting Democracy. To allow any group to monitor public and private conversation based on so-called "security reasons" leaves a citizen defenseless towards misunderstandings and the eventual placement on a non publicized black list, which limits future travel and job possibilities.
A society run by fear is doomed to being controlled, as it does not question the actions of its elected government, it simply trusts that every new law has the publics "best interest" as its prime motive.
We already have the police, we have the military, and several secret agencies.... this is more than enough to monitor the actions of "suspect individuals" , any further invasions of private citizens is not only fear motivated ...but dangerous as well.
A society run by fear is doomed to being controlled, as it does not question the actions of its elected government, it simply trusts that every new law has the publics "best interest" as its prime motive.
We already have the police, we have the military, and several secret agencies.... this is more than enough to monitor the actions of "suspect individuals" , any further invasions of private citizens is not only fear motivated ...but dangerous as well.