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Fotografens dilemma!
Photographers for the most, are passionate artists. It is a pas de deux, a duet, a dance of two or so I thought. I soon learned I was dancing with the light. My camera kit merely a pair of dancing shoes. After blissfully making wonderful shots all summer I faced the most formidable antogonists of my young photographers life. Dark clouds, rain and snow. My wonderful Brownie,virtually indestructable in my childish hands was not very waterproof nor fast enough for darkening days. If I wanted to " with the Devil of Darkness in the pale moonlight". (...paraphrased from the Joker'S Line in BATMAN). I said to my mentor, "I need a better pair dancing shoes" (New camera) I learned from my mentor my best camera was my real camera. You know the round thing behind the box camera I was holding. And that the real photo lab (read brain) behind my real "camera" could make better images than any (film) post processing lab. So yes sir, I listened. I bought everything I could to improve my artistic expression. My Brownie became an F5 and finally a D800E. I had become a Nikon Acquisition Addict. Ten thousand dollars later I started calling them "Mikons". I bought so many of their products in pursuit of remediating my artistic frailties. Everyone else just shoots better. I hate my own work and I love everyone else's It took a beauty salon hair stylist with a cell phone camera capturing a freak tornado right out side her car window. A drunken college student captured the spectacular sunrise of his fist all nighter on the beach. Both images were stunning captures, exquisitely exposed with expertly framed compositions (NPR) No Photoshop Required. At long last the words of my mentor finally rang crystal clear and totally true: You, my friend are the artist and composer. You are the captain of your capture. Not the box nor lens, but you are the Master who follows the light which always leads. Its not the Sony, that's baloney Nor the Canon, might as well be Dannon Nor the Nikon, nor the Mikon ........................IT IS YOU! Learn how to build a pinhole camera and then go learn how to capture images with it. Get up before dawn and go get the first light in the mist. Break trail all the way to summit to capture the newly burdened firs ladened heavy with fresh snow. Capture the glittering sunlight streaming through the bending bows. Then go back to your Creative Suite to level and crop if needed or bring it to your art's next level. In closing, your "dancing shoes" won't make you a dancer but your passion will. Sir, if you get my mentors meaning, I see a pair of Brand New Capezios in your very near future. Remember this: Nobody will ever steal your pin hole box camera, your Holga or your old beat up dancing shoes. Hide your "sweetgear" in an beat up looking or no name bag. Telltale neckstraps that say "I have a gazillion dollar camera" should be left sealed in its plastic bag for later sale on ebay when it comes time to upgrade. In exchange, find a good comfortable and safe Crumpler Industrial Disgrace or non descript strap of choice so long a it doesn't say "steal me".